


Get a list of all orders (if fetching orders for fulfillment purposes, use /warehouses/fulfillments endpoint)

/channels (GET)

/warehouses (GET)

/orders (GET)

/shipments (POST)

/products (GET)

/inventory (GET)

🚧 Note on order limit

Use Case

Pull all order data to use for reporting, record keeping, or transferring to other systems.

To pull orders for fulfillment purposes, use the /warehouses/fulfillments endpoint.


This endpoint will return a list of orders. Returns an array of JSON objects with order information.

Order properties

Parameter Description Type
display_ref Order number as displayed in the channel String
shipping_contact_name The full name of the person receiving the order String
shipping_email The email of the person receiving the shipment String
shipping_company_name The company of the person associated with the shipping address String
shipping_address_1 The street address of the shipping address String
shipping_address_2 An optional additional field for the street address of the shipping address String
shipping_address_3 Third optional additional field for the street address of the shipping address String
shipping_state_region Either name of shipping state/region or the two-letter abbreviation of the state or province of the shipping address String
shipping_postal_code The zip or postal code of the shipping address String
shipping_city The city of the shipping address String
shipping_country_code The ISO 2 letter country code String
shipping_phone_number The phone number at the shipping address String
subtotal Order amount before shipping and taxes Number
discount Discount amount on the order Number
shipping_cost Shipping cost of the order Number
total Total amount of the order Number
tax Tax amount on the order Number
sb_payment_status Payment status of the order according to the channel. One of the follow values:
all: All of the items have been paid.
none: None of the items have been paid
partial: Some of the items have been paid
shipment_status Shipment status of the order
all: All of the items have been shipped
none: None of the items have been shipped
partial: Some of the items have been shipped
ordered_at The date and time in UTC when the sales order was placed. String
sb_status Sellbrite status of the order.
open: Order is still open and awaiting payment and/or fulfillment
completed: Order is paid and fullfiled
cancelled: Order is cancelled
cancelled_at The date and time in UTC when the sales order was cancelled String
shipped_at The date and time in UTC when the sales order was shipped String
billing_address_1 The street address of the billing address String
billing_address_2 An optional additional field for the street address of the billing address String
billing_address_3 Third optional additional field for the street address of the billing address String
billing_postal_code The zip or postal code of the billing address String
billing_state_region Either name of billing state/region or the two-letter abbreviation of the state or province of the shipping address String
billing_city The city of the billing address String
billing_country The name of the country of the billing address String
billing_country_code The ISO two-letter code for the country of the billing address String
billing_phone_number The phone number at the billing address String
billing_contact_name The full name of the person associated with the payment method String
billing_email The email address of the billing address String
billing_company The company of the person associated with the billing address String
sb_order_seq Sellbrite generated sequence number Number
channel_uuid Channel identifier that is associated with the order. See channels endpoint String
channel_type_display_name Channel type of the channel associated with the order (“eBay”, “Bigcommerce”, “Amazon” etc.) String
items Collection of order items associated with the order. Please see order items properties Array
requested_shipping_service Shipping service requested by buyer as received from the channel. (“2nd Day”, “Priority”, “Express” etc.) String
requested_shipping_provider Shipping provider by buyer (“UPS”, “USPS”, “Amazon Prime” etc.) String
requested_shipping_special Special status of order (“ebay_guaranteed_delivery”, “amazon_prime”) String
merchant_notes Notes on the order made by the merchant (seller) String
customer_notes Notes on the order made by the customer (buyer) String
channel_name Merchant provided name of the channel where the order originates from String
deliver_by_date Date and time in UTC that order will be delivered by String
ship_by_date Date and time in UTC that order will be shipped by String
paid_at Date and time in UTC that the order was paid at String

Order Item properties

Parameter Description Type
order_item_ref Original item reference from the channel String
quantity Number of items ordered Integer
title Name of the item String
sku Stock keeping unit of item (this value comes from the channel) String
unit_price Per unit selling price of each individual item Number
total Unit price multiplied by quantity Number
quantity_fulfilled Number of items shipped Integer
inventory_sku Stock keeping unit of inventory associated with item. (This value comes from Sellbrite’s linked inventory.
*This may differ from the sku that comes from the channel)
tax Tax charged on this item Number
cancelled_at Time order was cancelled at String
status Status of the item found on the external channel String

Query Params

  page: int32, (page number)
  limit: int32, (Number of results per page)
  min_ordered_at: date-time, (Filters orders ordered after date (ISO 8601))
  max_ordered_at: date-time, (Filters orders ordered before date (ISO 8601))
  sb_status: String, (Filters by order status. Accepts one of the following values: "completed", "canceled", "open")
  sb_payment_status: String, (Filters by payment status. Accepts one of the following values: "all", "partial", "none")
  shipment_status: String (Filters by the shipment status on the order. Accepts one of the following values: "all", "partial", or "none")


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